# PPG: Party Puppy Guide
## Basics ##
Thank you all for helping out with the New Years party tonight! Seriously.
There are a lot of people coming to our house tonight, so as party puppies, you'll be "hostettes" or helper hosts to help guests with their needs. Basically, make people clean up messes (help them too), help people find things, give towels, toilet paper, ice, etc.
Keeping the house clean and safe is top priority. If people are dirty outside, you hose them off.
You can also help by fetching drinks, food, and other items, but only as a last priority. This helps everyone relax with such a large crowd in a small space.
## Supplies and tasks
Here's a list of some things to help out during your "shift" and where to find supplies if you need them or people ask.
* There's a party puppy station in the back room (large brown rolly nightstand) with common supplies: 409, gloves, paper towels, wipes, trash bags, and first aid kit.
* Please refresh paper towels, toilet paper as needed.
* Please ensure back door of house is closed and locked by end of night.
* Ask Ari, the GM manager to get into a locked room if absolutely required for emergency supplies.
* Please clean up floor, furniture, etc messes as seen with 409 spray and paper towels or spare towels if needed.
* Please encourage wet people to dry off and nude people to place a towel down before sitting on furniture.
* Please take out the trash if it's full and put in (or next to) the green bin outside the house directly to the right of the door.
* Trash bags and sandwich bags backups are under the kitchen sink.
* First aid in bathroom along hallway on second shelf, and in the party puppy station.
* Spare paper towels in guest bedroom, to the right in the hallway, on floor of closet.
* Fresh sheets and blankets are folded in the guest room closet too on the top shelf.
* Broom with dustpan is in near the party puppy station and another along hallway too, tucked away to the right of the shelves.
* Some mouthwash is in the master bathroom on the far end of the house.
## Thank you for your help. Without you, we wouldn't be able to keep the party running smoothly. Thank you.